We have our own brand,also accept OEM,ODM order. The electro-pneumatic transducer PT 700 series provides the proportional conversion from a 4...20 mA input signal to a 0...100% supply pressure output signal. This device provides the interface between the electro-pneumatic positioner and a pneumatic actuator of process industrial
applications (chemical, petro-chemical, refineries etc.).They are easy to adapt and improve the performance of the control loop with optimized dynamic behaviour. The transducer PT 700 series is the first which uses piezoelectric microvalves with low power consumption allowing connection to standard two-wire circuits. No extra power supply is needed and makes the device very compact and robust. Features
? Accurate conversion of the electrical input signal by using a silicon pressure sensor for feedback.
? Robust modular design
? Pressure regulator eliminates variations in supply air pressure.
? Innovative, reliable transducer technology (piezo electric microvalve)
? Input signal: 4 - 20mA
? Split range start 4 mA or 12 mA
? High resistance against shock and vibration
? Two wire system for signal and power supply line
? Easy maintenance due to modular design
? Universal mounting kit according to NAMUR specifications in stainless steel
? Precise control performance and high dynamic behaviour with PI control characteristics in the internal control loop behavior with PI control characteristics in the internal control loop